International Logistics raise a series of issues that you don't need to confront when trading domestically. This section indicates online services you can use which:

  1. Let you check the AEO status of any freight forwarders or traders you are dealing with.
  2. Help you find the best Cargo Insurance deals.
  3. Help you compare air, ocean and trucking freight quotes from over 45+ providers.
  4. Provide Electronic Templates and Work Flow solutions for your shipping documentation.
  5. Address issues regarding the Documentary Formalities of international trade.
  6. Address some of the key Tariff and Tax considerations.

It is critical that you calculate the Landed Cost of Imported Products - you really do not want any nasty surprises. To help you in this task, you can use IncoDocs step-by-step guide.

You can also improve streamline and automate the processing of your documentation by digitising your documentation - both for domestic as well as international operations.