Industry Profiles

30 Sectors

We have begun the process of creating Industry Groupings to facilitate partner and opportunity searches by activity rather than by country.
These initial 30 Groups will no doubt expand as we develop the Exporters Almanac in the future.

For each of these Industry profiles we provide:

1. Business Networks
& Online Markets

2. International Trade

3. Industry

4. Industry

5. International Trade

6. NACE & SIC Code

British Antique Furniture Restorers' Association, The (BAFRA)
BAFRA is a nationwide organisation of craftsmen and women committed to upholding the highest standards in furniture restoration and conservation.
Hair Dressing Council
The Hairdressing Council was set up in 1964 by an Act of Parliament. This meant that hairdressers can apply to become State Registered in the same way as doctors, dentists or nurses can. The only difference is that it is completely voluntary to belong to the UK Register of qualified hairdressers.
International Cremation Federation
Founded in London in 1937 the International Cremation Federation is an international non-profit organisation devoted to promoting the practice of cremation to the highest standard.
National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF)
Established in 1942, the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF) has over 6,800 Members and is the UK's largest trade body for the hair, beauty and barbering industries.